

virus covid

Genome code exist in every living beings. In genome code instructions are written which are translate when certain outcome happen.These insructions are infectious if these instructions are not mutated well, such that CFTR.

Analysis In Inital Phase, Wizdwarfs mointor your health through genome-code instructions. Calculate predicitive analysis on genes. It will save lot of time and cost. These results are analysis infectious mutation and crossover patterns in your genes.


In Next phase, our venture interested created in personalized medicines for your body. Some people have certain mutations due to structural & instructional changes in genome. These will cure genetics dieases and neuro-genetics dieases, such that Epilepsy



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WisdomEnigma.com 2023
Lahore, Pakistan 


Pool for Investors

National Business

    Investors will invest in national brands & icons through Enigma-Assets-Management.
    Return profit on your investment will 10% + taxes appreciation over an year.
    Investors will deposite decent security before investment which will be calculate 
    at time of investment, investment period & location.

    Investors invest as solo (one man), pool(two or more), family (atleast 2) and
    coperate (+500 employees).  

International Business

    Investors will invest in those internnational business which are private and 
    have our legal business team have partner with the state to exercise duty . 
    This investment initate when pool of investors, joint capital assets ($25k).
    Investors will earn good profitability 20% per person of a pool for an year.
    Investors will either deposite security, mortage or capital assets and company
    will owe 50% profit (for coperate) [1000+ employees] while 30% (for 
    non-coperate)[250+ employees]. Business Legal team shared about tax 
    appreciation, capital gain tax [CGT] and capital asset value.

Software Venture

    This type of investment open for entrepreneurs only. Following requirements are
    1. Entrepreneurs hold public venture with capital asset value $2M.
    2. Entreprenurs must aware of both national or international business & 
    investment rules 
    3. Entreprenurs must follow SEC Laws & Regulations.
    Entreprenurs deposit security either fixed assets or capital assets value. 

Legal Terms

In any case, investors will not follow company policies either
     Company issue legal notice of face consequence through legal team,
     Company will owe mortage, capital assets value & fixed assets or
     Company terminate all investment plans after notify.



Route                   Type                    Description

/home                   get                     Home page 

/signup                 get,                    When user want to create a new account

/login                  get,                    When user want to login with their 

/dashboard              get,                    Dashboard is used to mointor your genome 
                        post,                       code. 

/dashboard/profile/view      get                Profile is used to get information 
                                                about user profile on server.                         

/dashboard/profile/edit get,                    Edit user profile

/logout                 get                     Logout user account

/dashboard/dvault       get,                    Keygen manager

/phenylalanine          get,                    Phenylalanine Amino 

/leucine                get,                    Leucine Amino

/isoleucine             get,                    Isoleucine Amino

/methionine             get,                    Methionine Amino

/valine                 get,                    Valine Amino

/serine                 get,                    Serine Amino

/proline                get,                    Proline Amino

/threonine              get,                    Threonine Amino

/alanine                get,                    Alanine Amino

/tyrosine               get,                    Tyrosine Amino

/histidine              get,                    Histidine Amino

/glutamine              get,                    Glutamine Amino

/asparagine             get,                    Asparagine Amino

/lysine                 get,                    Lysine Amino

/aspartic               get,                    Aspartic Amino

/glutamic               get,                    Glutamic Amino

/cysteine               get,                    Cysteine Amino

/tryptophan             get,                    Tryptophan Amino

/arginine               get,                    Arginine Amino

/glycine                get,                    Glycine Amino

/stop                   get,                    Stop


$ wget https://github.com/ali2210/WizDwarf/releases/download/v-0.1.2/wizdwarfs_without_terraform_7z.7z

$ wget https://github.com/ali2210/WizDwarf/releases/download/v-0.1.2/wizdwarfs_without_terraform_tar.tar.xz

$ wget https://github.com/ali2210/WizDwarf/releases/download/v-0.1.2/wizdwarfs_without_terraform_zip.zip